Cookies are small data files which are placed on user’s device when user visit certain parts of Wing Fung Credit’s website or click on Wing Fung Credit’s online advertisements. Cookies and similar technologies are used to identify user’s device for the following purposes:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies. These essential cookies are set throughout Wing Fung Credit’s website and are required for the operation of the website to:
    1. allow Wing Fung Credit’s web server to determine whether the cookies setting on user’s web browser has been enabled or disabled. This allows Wing Fung Credit to know whether data can be collected from user’s web browser;
    2. temporarily allow user to carry information between pages of Wing Fung Credit’s website to avoid having to re-enter that information;
    3. temporarily identify user’s device after user has logged in to a secure page on Wing Fung Credit’s website so that Wing Fung Credit’s web server can maintain a dialogue with user’s web browser in order for data subject to carry out certain activities.

  2. Analytical/performance cookies. These are used to help Wing Fung Credit improve Wing Fung Credit’s website by:
    1. tracking user’s visits to Wing Fung Credit’s website and recognising user’s web browser when user is repeat visitor so that Wing Fung Credit can gather statistics on new and repeat visitors to evaluate site effectiveness.

  3. Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise user when user return to Wing Fung Credit’s website. This enables Wing Fung Credit to:
    1. personalise content for user and remember his/her preferences (for example, choice of language and region);
    2. store his/her login and other preferences so he/she does not have to re-enter that information when he/she return to Wing Fung Credit’s website.

  4. Targeting / advertising cookies. These cookies record user’s visits to Wing Fung Credit’s website, his/her response to Wing Fung Credit’s online advertisements, track the pages he/she have visited and the website links he/she have followed. Wing Fung Credit use this information to:
    1. make Wing Fung Credit’s website more relevant to user’s interests;
    2. provide online advertisements or offers on Wing Fung Credit’s website or third-party websites which are most likely to interest he/she;
    3. evaluate the effectiveness of Wing Fung Credit’s online marketing and advertising programs.

The above cookies may be placed on user’s device by Wing Fung Credit or by third parties on Wing Fung Credit’s behalf (for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services). No personally identifiable information about user is collected or shared with third parties as a result of this.

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to disable cookies. By disabling cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of this Site.

Should there be any inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.